Power of Dance is a member of two organizations that have a great impact on our studio culture, policies and opportunities. One of them is More Than Just Great Dancing (MTJGD) which is a support network for dance studios and teachers across the United States and internationally. The other is the USASF, or United States All Star Federation. The USASF establishes and monitors rules and regulations around competitive dance to ensure fair competition and the safety of all dancers. In addition, they provide training and leadership opportunities to adult members as well as student athletes.
This summer, three POD students participated in Athletes in Action, a USASF-sponsored leadership training program designed specifically for middle school students. Dancers Addison VandenPlas, Elise Van Himbergen, and Lexie Lorang participated in an interactive workshop over Zoom and were able to meet and share with others from across the country. Students learned about leadership styles, and developed an action plan for how to be a better teammate in the upcoming season. All three athletes found the workshop extremely valuable and plan to share what they learned with their teammates. Additional workshops are held throughout the year, and many of our high schoolers are planning to participate in a fall leadership program.
On Friday August 2, just one day after our summer session ended, the entire POD staff returned to the studio for a day of learning and planning for the season ahead. Teachers and support staff reflected on the past year to celebrate wins and recognize accomplishments, then set goals for the upcoming season. We brought in a local doctor to train staff on concussion protocol and discuss how to handle first aid and emergency situations. Two of our newest staff members are in dual roles this year at the studio, as both students and teachers. Inara Petty and Payton Nickels (photo at left) have been volunteers with the POD Junior Faculty program for several years, and got to experience their first in-service as true POD staff. They are excited to share their love of dance with younger dancers.
This article was originally published in our September 2024 newsletter.