Our recreational class curriculum is based on a 30-week program. Classes begin in September and continue through April – ending with our annual Spring Production in May. The first few months of the year, dancers will focus on proper technique, skills, and combinations that will be used in their class choreography. In November, instructors will announce recital songs and begin choreography in class.
All classes are reserved on a first-come basis and MANY fill quickly. Registration can be done online at or on paper. Registration Forms can be mailed in or dropped off at the studio. For your convenience, a drop box is located outside the studio entrance. Confirmation of your registration will be sent via email unless otherwise stated on your registration form. For fall classes, we ask that you please register no later than one week before the session start date. At that time, any classes with low enrollment will be canceled or combined. All participants will be notified and can change classes if needed. NEW classes may also be added to the schedule at this time to accommodate waitlists. Therefore, IF A CLASS YOU’D LIKE TO TAKE IS FULL, PLEASE PUT YOURSELF ON THE WAITLIST.
A non-refundable $25 per student yearly membership fee will be posted to your account and due within a week of your registration. This amount drops to $15 for the second student (in the same household) and so on with a maximum of $50/family.
Tuition is based on the total hours of class taken per week, calculated by the year and divided into 8 equal payments. Our school-year program is a 30-week session beginning in September and ending in late April. By registering for class, you are instantly signing up for automatic payments to be deducted on the 1st of every month using the credit card or checking account information you have provided. If you wish for payment to be made a different way, please contact the studio before the 1st of the month. There will be no refunds for missed classes or dropping during the session. Please note, tuition is non-refundable and non-transferable. A $20 late fee will be added if your account is not up-to-date by the 1st of the month. Returned checks will result in a $25 charge followed by payment in cash. The POD has the right to suspend a student if consistent delinquent payments on accounts are received. The POD also has the right to prohibit a student from participating in the annual recital if the account is past due. To check or update your payment preferences, please log onto the parent portal- a link can be found on our home page.
All students in performance classes will participate in our annual Spring Production in May. Dancers are required to purchase one recital costume per class and have the appropriate color of tights (if applicable) and style of shoes. A $60 costume deposit will be added to the second month’s tuition payment, October 1st. The amount is refundable should the students drop the class before costumes are ordered. Costume costs average between $75-$85. Families will receive an email with their balance due before costumes are ordered in December or January. Once costumes are ordered, fees are non-refundable as costume companies do not allow returns. Parents are responsible for alterations that need to be done on a costume for proper fit. More info about costume ordering will be sent home in October.
Drop Policy:
Performance classes can be dropped at any time until the end of October. Non-performance classes, including Adult Classes, Music & Movement, Acro & Leaps/Turns/Jumps may be added or dropped throughout the season. If your dancer needs to be removed from a class and you want your tuition payments stopped, a Drop Form must be submitted. You are responsible for tuition during the month you drop. The date on your drop form or the date of your last class will be your last month of tuition. (Ex. If you drop on October 2nd, you will pay for October’s tuition installment, and are able to attend classes that month. This gives us time to fill the open spot in the class.) There is no pro-rating of monthly installments for drops. Therefore, if you can only attend one class in the month you drop, you will still pay the full month’s installment. The annual registration fee is non-refundable at any time after enrollment. If you drop a performance class after Oct 31, you are responsible for the rest of the season’s tuition and this will be charged at the time of your departure. If you are dropping after December 1st, please note that a costume has been ordered for your dancer and there are no returns/refunds on costume fees. We will notify you when your costume is ready for pick-up.
Attendance is very important for the development of a student and the success of the class. If a student must miss class, please either fill out this absence form or contact the studio and leave a message (920-661-9212). Unfortunately, missed classes cannot be made up. Excessive absences may result in the student being pulled from our Spring Production. Please have respect for other students and your teacher by coming on time, in proper attire, ready to learn, and with a positive attitude.
Classes may be canceled or combined if less than 5 students are registered for a particular class. In the case of teacher illness, a suitable substitute will be sought out; however, classes may be canceled if one is not available. We do not do make-up classes due to weather cancellations.
Class Observation:
Our goal is to maintain an optimal learning environment for our students – parents and siblings can be quite a distraction to young dancers! All of our studios are equipped with small viewing windows so that you can check on your child at any time. Parents may observe preschool classes through our large viewing window, as long as it does not become distracting. If you would like to come in and observe or video your child, please ask your child’s teacher at the beginning of class. We will have specific “Parent Observation Weeks” set up during the year where you will be invited in to observe and record your child’s progress.
Dance Attire:
Proper dance attire is VERY important to the progress and safety of the student. Students may be asked to sit out if not in proper attire- including hair and footwear. Hair must be pulled up entirely away from the face in a non-distracting manner. Acceptable dance attire includes…
- Dance Expressions & Movement -– any dance attire that allows for free movement. Most girls will wear leotards, short skirts (preferably those that are already attached to the leotard), dance dresses, pink leather ballet shoes. *Boys see below
- Petite Dance — attire same as Dance Expressions, with tan jazz shoes
- Ballet/Jazz Combo -– any color leotard and tights, skirt or fitted dance shorts are optional, pink leather or canvas ballet shoes
- Pom & Jazz -– leotard, fitted short sleeve or tank top, fitted dance shorts, tan tights and tan jazz shoes
- Tap -– attire same as Jazz, with black tap shoes (slip-on style preferred)
- Hip Hop -– comfortable non-baggy clothing with no-scuff all black dance sneakers
- Acro — fitted tank and shorts or leotard, nothing baggy, barefoot
- LTJ Classes -– leotard or fitted top, shorts, tights, jazz shoes preferred — half-ballets accepted
- Ballet -– any color leotard and tights, skirt or fitted dance shorts are optional, pink leather or canvas ballet shoes. A black cami-style leotard, pink tights, and pink ballet shoes will be required for our Spring Performance. Hair for ballet must be in a bun.
- BOYS — For most classes: shorts that end at the knee, non-baggy shirt, black dance shoes (style specific to class). For Ballet -– fitted compression shirt, shorts that stop at knee, ballet shoes.
Restricted Attire:
Absolutely no street shoes allowed in the studios or on carpet — proper footwear is required for all classes! Please change out of dance shoes before going outside. Baggy tops and pants, shirts with hoods, jeans, and pants that drag on the ground are not allowed. Jewelry should be removed.
Class pictures will be taken by a professional photographer at the studio in March. Each class will be given a time slot for pictures.
Spring Production:
The annual Spring Production will take place in early May at an area theater. Each class will perform in 2 shows, assigned by the directors (Dance Expressions and Music and Movement will perform in 1 show each) Tickets for the show will go on sale about one month before the shows.
Personal Conduct:
No food, gum, or drink is allowed in the studios with the exception of water in a closable/spill proof container. A lounge area is provided for food and drink outside of class time — please clean up after yourself. No food is allowed in any carpeted area. Please show respect for your instructors, fellow dancers, yourself, and for all POD equipment. No one under the influence of drugs or alcohol is allowed in the building. There is no smoking in or around the entrance to the POD. If a student acts in a manner that creates an unsafe learning environment, that student will be dismissed immediately. No refund will be given if a student is asked to leave class or the studio due to misconduct.
*Parents, please clean up after your children before leaving the studio. Do not allow children to put their feet on the furniture, run in the halls, or make excessive noise that could disrupt class. Children should be under parent supervision at all times. Violators of our personal conduct policy may be excused from the studio.
Inclement weather policy:
If classes are canceled due to weather, a notice will be posted on the home page of our website ( and an email will be sent out.
Parent Communication:
Most information will be sent via email. Please make sure we have a current email address on file. Check our website often and ask your children if they’ve received any handouts in class. If your child misses a class, make sure to ask if they’ve missed information upon their return. Please feel free to call the front desk, a studio owner, or talk with your child’s teacher about any questions, concerns or feedback you may have.
Tuition is calculated by the year and divided into 8 equal payments (Sept – April). Tuition is due by the first of every month and is the same regardless of how many classes there are in a month. Upon registration, dancers are automatically set up to do auto payments each month using the preferred e-payment method on their accounts. If you wish to pay using an alternate method, please contact the studio during open hours before the first of the month at 920-661-9212. There will be no refunds for missed classes or dropping without following our drop policy.
Class Length | Monthly Payment |
30 min. class | $43/mo |
45 min. class | $56/mo |
60 min. class | $68/mo |
75 min. class | $75/mo |
90 min. class | $84/mo |
Ballet 3 & 4/5 (150 min) | $122/mo |
Our academy class curriculum is based on a 30- week program. Classes begin in September and continue through May, ending with our annual Spring Production. For the first few months of the year, dancers will focus on proper technique, skills, and dance combinations to be used when beginning choreography. In November, instructors will announce their class song and begin choreography in class.
Competition Team tuition is calculated by the year and divided into 8 equal payments (Sept – April). Tuition is due by the first of every month and is the same regardless of how many classes there are in a month. Upon registration, dancers are automatically set up to do auto payments each month using the preferred e-payment method on their accounts. If you wish to pay using an alternate method, please contact the studio during open hours before the first of the month at 920-661-9212. There will be no refunds for missed classes or dropping without following our drop policy.
For a complete breakdown of all fees for Competition Teams, please see our All-Star Information Packet. Team fees include multiple styles of dance instruction, coaching & choreography fees, music licensing, and technique classes. Dancers compete in 2-4 styles of dance. Additional opportunities are available in small groups, large groups, solos, duets, and trios. Information about All-Stars can be found online on our Competition Teams Page, or by contacting the studio at 920-661-9212 or by email.
Membership Fee & Class Deposit
An annual $25 per student fall membership fee will be posted to your account and due within a week of your registration. This amount drops to $15 for the second student (in the same household) and so on with a maximum of $50/family. There is also a $20/deposit/class taken at the time of registration to hold your place in the class. This amount will be applied to your first month’s tuition and is also non-refundable should you drop the class.